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HD Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea


Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea

IMDb: 6.4
52 min

The Seaview rescues two men apparently lost at sea. They are actually escaped prisoners who try to take over the Seaview. The situation is complicated by the presence of a giant sea monster attacking the ship.

Genre: Adventure, Sci-Fi,
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HD Highway to Heaven

Highway to Heaven


Highway to Heaven

IMDb: 8.3
60 min

Jonathan and Mark, as police detectives investigating drug selling in schools, become involved when the son of a famous news anchorman and leading anti-drug proponent learns that his father is a secret cocaine user and informs the police, leading to a cover-up and betrayal of trust by the father. Written by Tony Scheinman

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD Highway to Heaven

Highway to Heaven


Highway to Heaven

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

A home for unwed mothers is endangered when a sensationalist reporter uncovers a secret about the past of the woman who runs the home, and a teenage boy must come to terms with the fact that he's a father.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Fantasy,
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HD The Bill Cosby Show

The Bill Cosby Show


The Bill Cosby Show

IMDb: 6.1
25 min

Chet tries his luck at selling Real Estate, with memorable results.

Country: USA
Genre: Comedy,
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HD Peter Gunn

Peter Gunn


Peter Gunn

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

A Hungarian gunsmith who is designing a rifle, ostensibly to help underground freedom fighters in his own country, flees to the States to continue work on his project. He hires Gunn to protect him because they [meaning Communists] have people everywhere. It turns out that the Commie agents are much closer to the man than he realizes. Written by mister-mike

Country: USA
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HD Matt Houston

Matt Houston


Matt Houston

IMDb: 7.4

Matt sets out to prove that a blind psychic is actually a phony, responsible for several kidnappings and murders.

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Mystery,
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HD 77 Sunset Strip

77 Sunset Strip


77 Sunset Strip

IMDb: 7.5
46 min

Jeff has been hired by attorney Oliver Fenwick and his sister Vickie Fenwick to follow their wealthy grandmother, Hortense Fenwick, who is more casually referred to as Grandma by anyone who knows her. Why follow her? Because she has been of late shoplifting despite her wealth. They don't want the police involved because it would lead to her being committed which would in turn threaten her required signature on some important documents for a real estate development. The other issue why they don't really believe what she is doing is a true crime is that she has only been stealing from Fenwick owned stores, the Fenwicks who are tallying up what each store is owed and are subsequently repaid. Jeff will find that this job is not for one person alone as Grandma is wilier and more manipulative than he would have ever have expected, and as Grandma begins to branch out into other criminal ventures beyond the Fenwick stores. Above and beyond the stealing, Jeff has to figure out if Grandma has ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Action, Crime, Drama,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.6
73 min

The Virginian and crew must hire extra hands to drive cattle back to Medicine Bow due to a bridge out on the train route. One of the men hired, Eddie Laredo saves Trampas's life during a stampede. Eddie seems to be a quiet worker who does his job well so Trampas convinces The Virginian to hire him full time. Everyone is happy with his work but he is not a joiner and reads a lot. During a trip to Medicine Bow two men and a women hide burrs under Eddie's saddle resulting in him being bucked off on Main Street. Later one of the men is killed by Eddie with the woman as a witness but he is let go. Later the woman is found dead and Trampas swears he saw Eddie in town that night. When Trampas finds the shirt he saw Eddie wearing with blood on it, Eddie shoots Trampas. After Eddie is arrested, he says he remembers nothing of either incident but is sorry about Trampas. The community and prosecutor assume Eddie is guilty but Judge Garth feels there may be another factor. He suggests the idea ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.7

Victoria Greenleigh arrives in Medicine Bow from Philadelphia with her companion Mrs. Clancy to open a new law office in Medicine Bow. She finds an office and house to rent - both owned by Judge Garth. As the Judge is out of town she must deal with The Virginian who inadvertently gives her a bad impression when he appears to question her ability as a woman to practice law. The Virginnian returns to correct the misunderstanding and being in the midst of a legal dispute about a saddle he ordered is forced to hire her as his attorney. Meanwhile a second problem is occurring on Shiloh where three men are camping and butchering Shiloh cattle for food. The Virginian tells them to leave but they ignore his orders. Victoria wins The Virginian's case and another developing a reputation as an able attorney. When The Virginian catches the three men still butchering beef he has them locked up for trespassing but not rustling hoping they will be scared out of the area. Not knowing all the facts ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Invaders

The Invaders


The Invaders

IMDb: 8.2
60 min

A police officer is shot and seriously wounded by an alien, whom he then shoots and sees disintegrate. A roadblock is set up for the other two in the car that sped off. Investigating, David is brought to the two aliens. They claim that they disagree with their fellow aliens' plan to invade and take over the earth, and that other aliens want to destroy them before they can get back to their planet and make the case against invasion. They persuade David to help them evade the police roadblock and get them to their spaceship safely. Written by rbecker28

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller,
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HD The Invaders

The Invaders


The Invaders

IMDb: 7.5
60 min

A mysterious hurricane strikes, sparing only a small Florida town. That draws David's attention, and he soon discovers a nest of aliens there, determined to use the weather against humanity. Their boat creates and controls the storm, but what controls the boat? David must find that control center before the aliens use their storm to wreck the entire eastern seaboard. He's hampered by an injury, and a clever alien who turns his benefactor Father Corelli against him. Written by CommanderBalok

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi, Thriller,
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HD Mannix




IMDb: 8.1
52 min

Joe Mannix is called by an old friend named Rudy who is an executive with Majestic Studios, about the studio's big star, Mitch Cantrell. Cantrell is both obnoxious and reckless, but Rudy's concern is that someone has been threatening Cantrell's life -- threats that appear to have come true when someone stretched a metal wire across a road in front of Cantrell's motorcycle. When the attempts on Cantrell's life begin to multiply, Mannix tries to convince Cantrell that he needs to take precautions, but Cantrell refuses. Mannix nevertheless stays on at the studio, hoping to find the person behind the threats on Cantrell's life. Written by aldanoli

Country: USA
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HD Mannix




IMDb: 7.7

Down on his luck Bernie Farmer is married to Rose, who's the sister of a mobster. When the criminal is about to be paroled, Bernie decides to open a box the mobster had entrusted to him. But the box is empty. Mannix and Intertect boss Wickersham, against their better judgment, opt to help Bernie find what was in the box. Mannix sets himself up as a target, letting people think he has the box and its contents. The detective will endure multiple beatings as he tries to solve the case. Written by Bill Koenig

Country: USA
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.9
75 min

An old rival of Judge Garth, Mike Tyrone, with his two sons and daughter move their Circle T ranch from Texas to Wyoming. Mike has his eye on expanding to build a ranch that will provide his daughter with the future he believes she deserves. Trampas as usual has his eye on her much to the dislike of her father and brothers. Mike offers to buy out other small ranches in the area but leaves a veiled threat he will take other action if they don't sell. While escorting Maggie back to her ranch in advance of a rain storm, Trampas sprains his ankle while showing off and they lose their horses forcing the two of them to spend the night in a cave. When they are found, Maggie is taken to Shiloh due to chills and her brothers give Trampas a beating. When Mike comes to pick Maggie up after a couple of days, they learn her and Trampas had left together earlier. Mike then puts his plan into action which is to cut off the water to the other ranches. When Garth and others confront Mike, a fight ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Virginian

The Virginian


The Virginian

IMDb: 7.4
75 min

Well known and beautiful opera singer Elena is brought to Medicine Bow to add to the culture of the town. Elena is accompanied by her personal secretary Karen who has issues with Elena. During her first performance Judge Garth recognizes her as an old friend. They rekindle their relationship and the Judge considers marrying her with Betsy's blessing. After dropping Elena at the hotel, the Judge is preparing to return to Shiloh when he hears shots. He and the sheriff run into Elena's room finding her standing over a dead man with a gun in her hand and a torn dress with Karen in the adjoining room of the suite. After a thorough investigation the prosecutor decides to bring first degree murder charges against Elena. Unable to get the attorney he wants, Judge Garth is forced to defend Elena himself. The proof in the trial goes against him and Elena as Garth learns she has lied to him. With some sleuthing Garth is able to bring forth the truth about Elena and Karen which surprises everyone. Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.3

The cattle drive has reached its destination, and Favor, the men and their horses are ready to return home by rail road. Mushy had been alone watching the wagons, supplies and horse remuda, all of which Favor was selling. But a group of Gypsy swindlers had tricked Mushy into turning everything over to them on the lie that Favor had sold the items to them. Favor is furious over the loss, and on the train ride home Mushy overhears Favor denouncing Mushy to Rowdy and declaring he was going to fire Mushy. Tearful, Mushy jumps off the train and wanders in the desert till he is rescued by another traveling family of Gypsies. The mute daughter cares for and falls in love with Mushy. Meanwhile, the drovers discover that Mushy is missing, and Favor and Rowdy stop the train and ride off looking for Mushy. The girl's father sells Mushy as a virtual slave to a townsman, but the girl rescues him. Everything comes to a head as Favor and Rowdy finally make it to the Gypsy camp where they find both ... Written by chipe

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Max la menace

Max la menace


Max la menace

IMDb: 8.1
25 min

An Arabian prince is protected by Max and an Israeli agent.

Country: USA
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HD The Big Valley

The Big Valley


The Big Valley

IMDb: 8.5
60 min

A retired Civil War era Union general is tried for war crimes by ex-Confederates at the Barkley ranch while the family is held captive.

Genre: Western,
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HD The Big Valley

The Big Valley


The Big Valley

IMDb: 6.9
60 min

The Barkley's refuse to cooperate with the Mexican authorities but, with the General's help, plan to go to Rio Blanco, Mexico and break Heath out of jail. Meanwhile, Heath has his own break-out plan and succeeds-but is betrayed.

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD The Big Valley

The Big Valley


The Big Valley

IMDb: 8.0
60 min

Heath,feeling responsible for an old friend's crippling injury,is determined to do all he can to help the man and his wife.While Heath stirs up gossip of his having grown too close to the wife,the old friend schemes of using the injury to get money out of him to finance his latest get-rich-quick idea. Written by Anonymous

Genre: Western,
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HD Star Trek

Star Trek


Star Trek

IMDb: 9.0
50 min

The Enterprise answers a distress call from Federation Outpost #4, a monitoring station on the Federation side of the neutral zone with the Romulan Empire. The outposts were established over a century ago and no one has actually seen a Romulan. The Romulan vessel seems to have some type of high energy explosive device as well as a cloaking device to make the ship invisible. When it appears that Romulans bear a strong resemblance to Vulcans, Kirk must deal with a rebellious crew member. He must also engage in a dangerous cat and mouse game with a very intelligent Romulan commander. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 7.9
51 min

Astronaut Major Robert Gaines is the latest to orbit the Earth but something happens while there. Ground control loses all contact with him and although he returns safely, he apparently blacked out and has no recollection of what may have happened. Nor can he explain how the craft landed on land - completely undamaged - when it was meant to splash down in the ocean. When Gaines returns home he finds that little things are different: he's now a full colonel and has been for some time; his house now has a picket fence; he no longer seems to take sugar in his coffee; and even his wife senses he is different after she kisses him. It is soon apparent that Gaines has returned to an Earth in an alternate universe. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 8.0
25 min

Global Flight 33 is en route from London to New York in what appears to be a routine flight in a modern jetliner. Suddenly however, the jet's speed increases to an incredible 3000 knots and they arrive in New York rather quickly. Neither the captain or his well-trained crew can explain what happened - a strange tail-wind perhaps - but they are certainly not prepared for what they find as they survey the land below them. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Twilight Zone

The Twilight Zone


The Twilight Zone

IMDb: 8.3
25 min

Biologist Sam Conrad is scheduled to go on a mission to Mars and is genuinely concerned about what they will find there. The mission commander, Mark Marcusson, tells him there's nothing to worry about as he firmly believes that God made everyone in his image; no matter what they find, he is certain that people are alike all over. They crash-land on Mars and Marcusson dies from his injuries. Conrad is happy to find that the people of Mars are very human-like, friendly and intelligent. They provide him with a home and promise him much more. Too late, however, he realizes that, just as Marcusson had said, people are alike all over. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 7.5
60 min

Favor learns that a lack of cattle cars may force him to take a loss on his herd adding to the problems on the drive. When old Josh wrestles a steer to win a bet, Favor takes his frustrations out on Josh by firing him. Favor regrets his outburst but Josh's pride prevents him from letting Favor make it up to him. A letter from an old friend has Josh thinking he has inherited half of a ranch but he soon learns the friend has dementia and there is no ranch. Because he can't cypher he loses a chance at a job and is turned down for another drive as well. Favor sends Rowdy to the next town to check on the missing rail cars. They find out a flash flood took out a bridge so there will be no rail cars. Instead of taking $5 per head, Favor decides to drive the herd to the next town for a better price. As the drive leaves town, Josh confronts Favor but his ailing body causes him to pass out. Josh finally realizes his pride may have to bend a bit to allow friends to help him as Favor wants him ... Written by Anonymous

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.5
60 min

The drovers reach the end of the drive at Junction City. Favor plans to sell the herd to Ben Dennis, but decides to wait till the next day to count the cattle and finalize the deal. Meanwhile, that night Favor and Rowdy are invited to dine with the Dennis family at the fancy restaurant in town, and a half dozen drovers not on night duty are allowed to go to town for a bath, refreshments, etc. Unfortunately for the drovers, the city fathers (Dennis and his partner Farnsworth) are in the process of gentrifying the town, emphasizing non-cattle business and generally looking down on and refusing to serve uncouth drovers. The drovers are barred at the hotel, restaurant, barbershop and even stables for their horses. Dining with the Dennis family, Favor is unaware of and adding to the drovers' indignation which has reached the boiling point where they are ready to quit the drive and rumble with the townspeople. Written by chipe

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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HD Rawhide




IMDb: 8.8
60 min

Gil Favor loses almost all of his herd when he dashes through the dangerous Devil's Patch Quilt Pass in a fierce storm. He was racing trail boss Tom Bickle to the depot, because there's not enough rail-cars for both herds. The winner gets top dollar, the loser would have to spend money penning up his steers, till a long enough train comes running in. Gil's trail-bossing career may be over, and he hasn't enough cash to pay his beat-up cowpunchers. Shipping agent Brock Dillman takes a financial beating too, so the reptilian middle man oils up his prize Navy pistol to take it out on Gil. Written by David Stevens

Country: USA
Genre: Western,
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