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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

The cavemen and their children meet Dripper, a dolphin-like sealasaurus and star of a show at a marine park. Dripper is the target of an abduction plot. Thinking they have Dripper, the kidnappers instead abduct Barney, who's dressed in scuba gear. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Fred and Barney have picked out the same costume for the Water Buffaloes' annual masquerade ball. Fred selects a new costume, determined to keep this one a secret. Inconveniently for Fred, his new costume, a space suit, debuts on the very night an invasion of the Way-Outs is announced in Bedrock, causing instant panic among the populace. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Uncle Tex invites both families to fly to his ranch deep in the heart of Texarock. However he asks his nephew Fred a big but dangerous favor: to be in the lookout of outlaw rustler Billy the Kidder and his gang, who steals cattle out of the ranch. In order to catch the gang, Fred and Barney must disguise as a longhorn steer. But a cow named Carmen fell in love with the false steer, and might cost Barney and Fred a lynching party staged by the murderous Billy himself... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Fred takes on a second job as superintendent of an apartment building, but it soon doesn't look like a good move. As he's still working at the gravel pit, many of the maintenance calls fall to Wilma. The Flintstones miss the Rubbles. And Mr. Slate, who has a policy of no moonlighting, is interested in moving into the building. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.6

The Flintstones and the Rubbles have a good time at the Bedrock World Fair. They visit a science exhibit where a professor explains that he has build a time machine to travel them through future. The foursome has visited and have its share of adventures in the Roman Times with Emperor Nero, on the Santa Maria with Christopher Columbus, the Medieval Times with King Arthur, Philadelphia with Benjamin Franklin and the New York's World Fair of 1964 ! Written by RealLiveClaude

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Fred goes to a police auction to purchase a second car for the family. He outbids a shady character for a vehicle that formerly belonged to a gangster. Later Fred learns that the shady character was the agent for a mob boss who believes that there are diamonds hidden in the car, and who isn't about to let Flintstone keep him from them. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Fred wins a flying lesson at the Water Buffalo raffle. Thinking he can get some cash back from this, he is convinced by the owner, a sexy female instructor, that he can become a good pilot for the airlines. Fred takes flying lessons, but does lie to Wilma that he goes for bowling. However, a famous gossip discovers it all. Fred tells the truth, but brings the family over on a picnic at the airport at the next day so Fred can do his solo exam. But not all goes well, especially that the airport is next to a military zone. Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

It's Christmas time in Bedrock. In order to get more money for the gifts for the family and friends, Fred takes a job at Macyrock. Though a bit incapable for certain tasks, Mr Macyrock thinks of letting him away until he hears his Santa Claus won't be there because he has a flu. Since Fred's good with the kids, he is such a hit at the department store that on Christmas eve, some unusual visitors come to ask him a big favor from someone at the North Pole... Written by RealLiveClaude

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Fred and Barney are going to a fishing contest with the Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes. In order to get the best catch, Fred goes away with Barney on the high seas without Captain Ahab noticing. But they meet with the notorious whale Adobe Dick who takes a bite out of them. They must find a way to escape the Whale's tummy before they become stuck like a certain Jonah who was there... Written by Anonymous

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

The Loyal Order of Water Buffaloes are organizing a most beautiful baby contest to all parents of Bedrock. What happens to be a simple contest becomes a war of words when both Barney and Fred and the wives argue they both have beautiful babies. The conflict might go too far, especially that Bamm-Bamm and Pebbles are the best of friends, and don't care what their parents think of each other. When it goes too far, the two babies run away... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 8.2
30 min

After watching a James Bondrock movie, Fred and Barney goes to get burgers and some buns for the dinner. However, on the way, they witness a man being kidnapped after giving them a paper with a civic address. They meet the mysterious Madame Yes but not without being abducted by henchmen, who brings them to the notorious Dr.Sinister's island. Though they claim they know nothing about what's going on, they have to go into torture in a Pit and the Pendulum way, not without meeting again Madame Yes, the evil Dr.Sinister himself, and some judo chops to try to escape this evil island... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.5
25 min

Pebbles' first birthday is around the corner and Fred is arranging her party; he is also chosen to coordinate a party for the lodge. Fred goes to the only caterer in town to arrange both parties, and selects a clown for Pebbles and dancing girls for the Buffaloes. However, the caterer gets mixed up and sends the clown to the Buffaloes and the dancing girls to Wilma's house. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
25 min

Fred's latest get-rich-quick scheme is a reducing drink he invented. However, the drink causes him to lose not fatness, but height: he shrinks to about a foot. A doctor explains that only time will restore him. While Pebbles enjoys her new living toy, Barney comes up with a scheme to incorporate Fred into his ventriloquist's act. As the perfect dummy, little Fred will surely land them a spot on the Ed Sullystone Show. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Bowling in alley 13, Fred is beaned by a bowling ball and suffers amnesia. But the doctor to whom Barney takes his friend is no ordinary family physician. He's conducting experiments in the switching of personalities, and Fred strikes him as the ideal test subject. Written by Morganalee

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Wilma is a finalist to become Good Cavekeeping Housekeeper of the Year, just as she and Fred fall into a debate over which is more difficult: housework or the gravel pit. Wilma challenges Fred to switch places for a day--a day the magazine happens to select as the one for the final visit to determine the winner of the housekeeping contest. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3

To promote their new movie, Son of Rockzilla, the producers hire Fred to wear Rockzilla's costume. However, Fred is unable to remove the creature's frightful mask. Now he is being pursued by both cops and an infatuated female Rockzilla-like creature who's broken out of the zoo to follow her new love. Written by Morganalee

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.1
30 min

Fred's hobby of taking and showing photos of Pebbles gives way to his new hobby of showing home movies of her. Even Wilma is bored thereby. However, Fred must deal with more than boring people when two crooks robbing a bank are captured on film while Fred's camera is rolling. The crooks will stop at nothing to get their hands on that film. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.5
30 min

Wilma and Betty are wondering if women will ever be admitted to the Lodge. After seeing a member thrown out summarily for suggesting wives be permitted to attend meetings, Fred and Barney want no part of this. So the girls decide to sneak themselves in. They don mustaches and their husbands' old Water Buffalo hats and manage to bluff their way inside. They're about to find out what they've been missing, and how. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

The latest feud between Flintstone and Rubble erupts when Barney votes for Joe Rockhead instead of Fred to be the lodge's next Grand Poobah. Fred tells Barney they're through. Then Barney learns that the new room Fred built extends onto Barney's side of the property line. Now Fred must endure in his own house the presence of his new enemy. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Fred has inherited property in the hills of Arkanrock. Unbeknownst to Fred, a local family, the Hatrocks, hope to continue with him the long-running feud that began with Fred's ancestors. Though Fred knows something about the feud through the family lore, he takes Wilma and the Rubbles along to the inherited property anyway, as he assumes that the feud is in the past. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Wilma and Fred are victims of a hold-up. The armed robber backs away while warning them to count nice and slow, see... Fred suffers with his fear that Wilma regards him as a coward, despite her protests, until the day he hears a voice that he recognizes as the one that warned him to count nice and slow... Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

The Flintstones and the Rubbles are fans of Peek-a-boo Camera, a show that catches people off their guard as they go about daily life. Fred and Barney are invited to a bachelor party thrown by the Water Buffaloes. The boys lie to their wives that they are going to visit a brother Buffalo in the hospital, then attend the party instead--and are filmed there by the crew of Peek-a-boo Camera. Written by Morganalee

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Fred is somewhat tired of strolling promenades with the baby, afraid of being branded. His last promenade along with Barney and Bamm-Bamm almost ended badly with a saber-tooth tiger claw ripping his back shirt. However, he hears from a friend that there is a club called Daddy's Anonymous, where the tots are left in their strollers at a parking lot while the dads are playing cards. However, after a night where Fred came in late with Pebbles, Wilma have her suspicions about this sudden irresponsible attitude... Written by RealLiveClaude

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
25 min (DVD)

Betty wants to purchase a rocking chair for Barney's birthday and is trying to get a small job to help get the money. She finds an ad about a job running errands as an old lady for a handicapped woman in a wheelchair. But she finds strange that she has to change big bills to purchase few items. All that Betty ignores is that it's a cover-up as the handicapped lady is a fraud called Greta Gravel and her accomplice prints counterfeit money to pass on shops and gets change in real money. But what should Betty do when she hears the facts about this scam? Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.2
25 min (DVD)

Fred plans to bring Pebbles to her first circus show, but he has to get his eyes examined as he is unable to see some things from far. However, the optician gives him wrong glasses. The misadventures starts when Fred takes a lost baby monkey from the Circus who looks like Pebbles. When he goes to the circus, the baby monkey escapes from Fred's lap. He runs after the chimp up to the high wire, Then Wilma and the Rubbles explain to Fred the real Pebbles is with them. Written by RealLiveClaude

Country: USA
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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Fred's anniversary is around the corner, but he knows he will be surprised. However, Barney must bring him for an all day drive in order that Wilma must prepare the surprise party. Fred attempts to know where he will be surprised, but fails in many ways. For the rest, Barney has a hard time keeping Fred's ego all right... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.6
30 min

Fred wants to bring everyone on vacation, but Wilma wants to stay home. In order to make up for Fred's request to go away on a holiday, Wilma secretly rents the house to a Swedish music band. Fred rents a trailer and brings them to Jellyrockstone Park. But unexpected things (including a picnic basket snatched by Yogi Bear !) happens and despite Wilma's requests, he returns home with the family... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
30 min

Fearing that Barney might cast a bad influence on Pebbles, Fred decides to move his family to a upscale manor, in a posh community. Though at first, it seems all right, Fred soon discovers those people are pretentious freeloaders. And worst, Wilma can't stand snobby gossips. They have second thoughts, and call finally the Rubbles to think of a plan to get out of this place... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
24 min (DVD)

Barney has a new hobby: doing ventriloquism. He plays a joke on Fred thinking Pebbles can talk. The latter falls for it first, but discovers the joke and kicks Barney out of the house. Later, Barney redeems himself and offers to bring Fred at a wrestling show. But Fred babysits Pebbles and wish to go. He calls a babysitter who happens to be quite a noisy teenager. Afterwards, Fred must take the decision: stay home or bring Pebbles along at the fights? Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.4
24 min (DVD)

Wilma and newborn baby Pebbles are brought home by Fred, who seems a bit uptight, worried that something might happen to his new daughter. At home, the happy threesome are welcomed by Barney and Betty...and a new nurse who's strict on the rules. Fred does not like that dictatorial nurse at his home and decides to take the house chores by himself. However, can Fred keep up to his new responsibilities? Especially when he thinks he left Pebbles on the laundry basket while going asleep... Written by RealLiveClaude

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HD The Flintstones

The Flintstones


The Flintstones

IMDb: 7.3
30 min

Fred and Barney must attend a Water Buffalo convention in a snow resort. As they are bored in their house, Betty and Wilma goes for the ride but are disguised. Both are invited to participate in a snow beauty queen contest. However, Barney is accidentally involved in a coup concerning a stolen diamond. A suspicious butler and maid takes Barney as their main contact, but when the real one arrives, Barney and Fred must run for their lives... Written by RealLiveClaude

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