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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 8.1

A heated debate over child marriage roils Kirkman's staff. Opioid addiction hits home for Mars. A biohacker turns Wells onto a chilling new threat.

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.7

Now running for office for the first time, Kirkman and his nascent campaign stumble out of the gate. Wells gets a critical reassignment.

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 0

President Kirkman travels to Camp David to broker a peace treaty between East and West Hanchu, while Seth and Emily take a look at their relationship and decide how and if to move forward as a couple.

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 0

President Kirkman enlists the aid of D.C. mayor Ellenor Darby to help curb panic when a blackout threatens to shutdown the government. But, is that the extent of the relationship?

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 5.9

The team must minimize the fallout of the President visiting a prison. A surprise White House demonstration has a closer tie to the President than anyone first realizes.

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 0

After a missile intending to bring water to the stranded astronauts in space is hacked, the President must work with the Russians to help save their lives and find the culprit.

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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 6.4

It's been ten weeks since Alex was killed in a tragic traffic accident. Since, Tom has been a ghost of a president, he not having made any significant decisions which is crippling the country. Although his senior staff realizes it, Tom himself doesn't, and as such they have recommended that he go into therapy with Dr. Adam Louden. The outcome of that therapy will be tested concerning a trade mission to Cuba organized between US Senator Sanchez and Cuban President Ortega. Beyond a bipartisan group of senators and congresspeople, the mission includes key business people hoping to do business in Cuba, with Aaron and Hannah, the latter on probation due to the point blank shooting of Damian Rennett, providing White House staff services. That mission turns into a crisis when the American trade representatives, including Aaron and Hannah, are taken hostage by a rebel group opposed to Ortega and his dealings with the Americans. The situation is already difficult enough due to the tenuous ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 5.5

FBI Agent Hannah Wells finally closes in on Patrick Lloyd, but when the president decides to take action during the White House Correspondents Dinner, members of the Homeland Security Council threaten to derail their plans.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 6.8

Now, one year into office, Kirkman is a Commander-in-chief determined to rebuild the capitol and capture the terrorists behind the catastrophic attack on the United States. When Ukrainian nationalists hijack a Russian Air flight, the president is faced with a hostage situation in which his diplomatic skills are put to the test. Written by Keith Eisner

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.1
44 min

Joe Carroll gets two of his followers - both right-wing militia types who have received excellent military training - and Roderick to get his wife back to him. The FBI think their systems have been hacked and now want Claire Matthews to move to a new location. She refuses to do so without first speaking to Ryan who arrives just before Carroll's men attack. Ryan and Claire escape and make their way to the home of Ryan's best friend, Tyson, a former FBI agent who is now in the witness protection program. They prepare for battle. At the house meanwhile, Jacob is having some difficulty reconnecting with Emma. Joe asks him to make up with her and gives it another chance. H eventually lets her know just how he feels. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.5
43 min

Joe calls Ryan and asks him how much pain one man can stand. One of Joe's followers, Amanda Porter, has a plan to reunite him with his wife Claire and a stranger with the same name is soon killed in a restaurant. It's clear to Ryan that Joe is trying to break him and another woman named Claire Matthews is killed. At the house, Emma doesn't seem to be taking Joe's rejections very well. Roderick's constant needling doesn't help. Jacob and Paul have taken refuge at a country house owned by Jacob's parents when his mother arrives unexpectedly. Paul is seriously ill and expects payback for a favor. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.4
44 min

Joe Carroll's escape has sent the FBI into something of a frenzy and Nick Donovan has been assigned to lead the investigation. He and Ryan try to interview David, Carroll's acolyte shot by Ryan, but that doesn't go very well. In his new residence meanwhile, Carroll is getting used to his surroundings and meeting some of the followers he had not yet met. Roderick arrives to welcome him and the central question is how to find Joe's wife, Claire, who is in protective custody. They target one of the FBI agents. Charlie pays the price for his failures. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.6
42 min

Having successfully escaped from the farmhouse, Emma and Joey make their way to a warehouse where Emma meets her newest contact, Bo. Joey goes off to the bathroom but isn't ready for the woman he finds locked up in a cage. Things get out of control when Joey helps the woman escape, which Bo doesn't take kindly to. At the prison, Joe Carroll and his lawyer Olivia Warren meet with prison officials where Warren claims her client's 8th Amendment rights have been violated as a result of prison abuse. It relates to Ryan assaulting him during their first interview and Carroll requests a transfer to another prison. The warden readily - too readily - agrees and Joe is to be transferred to a prison in Georgia. It's his daughter who is being held in the cage and the transfer is part of Joe's plan to escape. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.6
44 min

Ryan is taken prisoner by the trio who kidnapped Joey Matthews and he immediately starts to create a wedge between between them. The farmhouse is quickly surrounded by the police and Ryan convinces them they have no way to escape. Emma, the coolest of the three in a tense situation, contacts another follower, Roderick, who is keeping Claire Matthews captive. It's soon apparent that Joe Carroll's influence goes very deep and has a great many acolytes. Meanwhile Debra Parker, FBI agent in charge of the kidnapping case, recalls her own personal experience of life in a cult. As the scene unfolds at the farmhouse, Joe Carroll tells his lawyer that a new part of the story is about to begin. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.9
44 min

Joe Carroll invites his former attorney, Olivia Warren, to meet him and prison and insists that she once again represent him with the media. She very reluctantly agrees and publicly reads a passage from Poe, sending a signal to some of Carroll's followers. Claire Matthews gives her FBI protection the slip after Joe sends her a message via Olivia. After Joey Matthews manages to call his mom, the FBI now has a general idea where he might be located. Ryan and Mike Weston head to upstate New York. There, Ryan locates the house but goes in on his own rather that wait for backup. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.5
44 min

Paul, Jacob and Emma now have to figure out what to do with Meghan, the woman Paul kidnapped. As far as Emma is concerned there's only one thing they can do. Peter reveals something to Emma about Jacob. The FBI pursue Maggie Kester but Joe isn't too forthcoming when Ryan questions him about her. It doesn't take long to get in touch with her though - she's kidnapped Ryan's sister Jenny. Agent Mike Weston accompanies him to New York where Ryan is to meet them. Joey begins to suspect not all is as it should be. Flashbacks reveal more of Ryan's earlier life. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.7
44 min

Ryan's belief that that Joe Carroll has more acolytes than the six they have so far identified is proved correct when a street performer - wearing an Edgar Allan Poe mask - sets a man on fire and then disappears into the crowd. Using CCTV, they soon identify the attacker as Rick Kester. They question his wife who says her husband, from whom she is separated, is dangerous but that she also has little idea where he might be found. Ryan realizes that the dead man was one of Carroll's critics. Meanwhile, relations among Joey's kidnappers continues to deteriorate. Paul and Emma continue to bicker and Paul decides to leave the house, returning later with someone in tow. Flashbacks reveal a new reason Paul may not like Emma. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 7.8
44 min

At a sorority house one of Joe Carroll's acolytes, Jordy, has killed several young women. Joe Carroll's wife visits him demanding to know where their son can be found. She admits to a two month affair with Ryan but it was after his trial and their divorce. It doesn't quite go as planned. Flashbacks reveal how Carroll recruited some of his followers from his classes including Emma, his son's current nanny. Flashbacks also reveal Emma's difficult relationship with her overbearing mother. The FBI trace Emma to an old address and realize Carroll is using Poe's works as the basis for a religious cult. They also find a dead body. Jordy pays a visit to Joe's wife. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Following

The Following


The Following

IMDb: 8.4
46 min

Former FBI agent Ryan Hardy is brought on board as a consultant when the serial killer he arrested many years before, Joe Carroll, escapes from prison killing several guards in the process. Although Hardy caught him, he paid a heavy price. He was stabbed in the heart and lives courtesy of a pacemaker. He's also on a disability pension. Carroll was an English professor with a fondness for the works of Edgar Allen Poe. Now that he's out, Hardy is certain he will go after Sarah Fuller, his last victim who managed to survive the attack. He's correct but they realize too late that Carroll spent much of his time in prison on the Internet and now has a group of devoted followers who will do as he asks. Written by garykmcd

Country: USA
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HD The Catch

The Catch


The Catch

IMDb: 7.8
42 min

Alice is preoccupied of trying to find Ben. And he gives her a present which she wonders if he stole. She is then tasked with proving a man who was acquitted of murder but not really cleared is innocent by trying to find the real killer. But Alice thinks he did it. Ben's associates wants him to leave the country because they fear his preoccupation with Alice might endanger them. But his departure is postponed when a man who's been pursuing them shows up in town. So they decide to make their move on a new mark--an Arab princess. Written by [email protected]

Country: USA
Genre: Crime, Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.8
41 min

Tom is facing more than usual negative public scrutiny with Abe Leonard's story on the White House knowing that Al-Sakar was not responsible for the Capitol bombing, with the White House - Tom, Seth or anyone else - not elaborating i.e. if they know who did. Jack tries to capitalize on this scrutiny for his own political gain. They further learn that Abe is planning on running a follow-up story, he asking for White House confirmation or denial. As such, Tom has decide how best to handle Abe, while the investigation continues. Tom, Mike, John and Hannah believe at this stage, their best plan of attack is to apprehend Patrick Lloyd and discover all the connections to Browning Reed. They however do admit that they are no closer to discovering who the White House mole is. Tom tries to find out who from among Richmond's administration would have had a high enough security clearance to have a say into who would have appointed him designated survivor for that day. The survivor who may be ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.4
41 min

Tom, Cornelius and Seth are on their way to Toronto for the NATO summit, where much of the discussion is planned to revolve around nuclear deescalation. Cornelius warns Tom that despite the French having brought up the issue unofficially, they may have a different stance on the matter in public unless all the ducks are in a row. Beyond Seth's first experience on Air Force One not being quite what he expected, all three men find that the NATO summit doesn't proceed the way they expected, each of the three who deal with slightly different issues, all circling back to a story that hits the media in the early hours of the gathering. Meanwhile, John and Mike continue to work on finding Hannah and discovering who the mole in the White House is. With the latter issue, Mike calls in Chuck, who he hopes will be able to do some computer forensics to find out who deleted the files. Based on what he sees of what has happened thus far, Chuck thinks he has a way to set a trap for the mole. Hannah ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.1
41 min

As the White House gears up for President Kirkman's first international summit, Kimble Hookstraten faces her toughest political battle yet when her speakership is challenged. Meanwhile, Alex wrestles with whether or not to bring the kids back to Washington.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.1
42 min

As President Kirkman considers candidates for Vice President, Kimble Hookstraten finds herself embroiled in scandal. Agent Wells and Jason Atwood return from North Dakota with a critical new lead while journalist Abe Leonard's investigation takes an unexpected turn.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.3
42 min

As President Kirkman struggles to put together a new Supreme Court, FBI Agent Hannah Wells goes undercover and discovers much more than she ever could have imagined. Meanwhile, Seth Wright has to contend with journalist Abe Leonard, who returns from the Middle East with an explosive story.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.2
42 min

Ambitious Republican Senator Jack Bowman, who has his ultimate eye on the White House, has pushed Tom into a corner in needing to back a poorly worded but what Tom considers a minor yet important gun control bill whose primary purpose is to expand background checks for anyone trying to purchase a firearm. Tom hopes that if the bill passes in the Senate, it will become a bipartisan issue in the House, where the legislators can craft a more succinct bill that can be passed into law. That poor wording may become a sticking point even for the Democratic minority in the Senate, but Tom and his team need to meet with Senate Minority Leader Diana Harris to see where they stand with the Democrats. Even if they are able to get the Senate Democrats on side - with or without conditions - Tom and his team will need the support of at least five Senate Republicans for the bill to pass, any hint of something being anti-Second Amendment in general which is a core fight among Republicans. Despite she ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.1
43 min

As President Kirkman releases an agenda to reset his presidency, Alex makes a controversial public statement that threatens to derail it. Meanwhile, FBI agent Hannah Wells unknowingly finds herself in the center of a dangerous trap while getting closer to the truth. While the country still mourns the loss of their Vice President.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.8
41 min

Turmoil in an African country forces President Kirkman to rely on an unlikely ally for help, as Hannah's investigation into the Capitol bombing takes an unexpected turn. Meanwhile, Emily settles into her new role as chief of staff while Aaron has to make a difficult choice.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 7.4
41 min

An investigative journalist shocks the White House when he reveals classified information during a press briefing and leaves Seth struggling to contain the damage from the leaked story. Meanwhile, Hannah unearths a key connection between MacLeish and the conspiracy.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 8.4
42 min

Hannah is able to convey what she knows about Vice-President MacLeish to Tom, including that he was in on the Capitol bombing, which in turn was not orchestrated by Al Sicar. However, the legal advice that Hannah receives, the advice received on Tom's directive, from a trusted source is that they do not have enough evidence to convict MacLeish if they were to bring him in now, despite they all knowing that he is guilty. As such, Hannah, who still has to be seen as being in custody by the conspirators to hide that the authorities are getting closer to discovering the truth behind MacLeish, is tasked with finding the conclusive evidence, the strongest being something to come directly out of his mouth. Hannah believes the two strongest leads are the mysterious woman who is known to be involved in the kidnapping of a still missing Luke Atwood, and the rest of the team MacLeish led in the military. With the information that Tom now has in hand, he feels the need to return to the White ... Written by Huggo

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 8.2
41 min

The nation reels from the aftermath of the shooting on the steps of the Capitol while Emily struggles with the knowledge there may be a traitor in the White House. Meanwhile, FBI Agent Hannah Wells grapples with her decision to reveal what she knows about the conspiracy behind the Capitol bombing.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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HD Designated Survivor

Designated Survivor


Designated Survivor

IMDb: 8.7
41 min

President Kirkman fears there could be a traitor in the White House when he discovers shocking information connected to the Capitol Bombing. Confiding in Emily, Kirkman puts her in charge of quietly investigating.

Country: USA
Genre: Drama, Thriller,
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